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Sunday, May 2, 2010

We are all just stupid lemmings

That's what THEY think:

I write today's blog out of a bit of, what's the word? Frustration, maybe? No, more out of passion! You see, I believe what I believe. I believe, like many of you, in equal rights. I also believe in transparency and intellectual honesty!

I believe that politicians lie, cheat and steal because we let them. I refuse to be lied to, cheated on or stolen from by political agendists.

For that reason, I write today's blog to clear something up that was sent to me in the mail. But first, you will need a little bit of back story.

Queer the CENSUS:

In late March and early April, I was sent to a website which provided (for free) a pink sticker with check boxes on it for stating your sexual orientation. The premise here was that you were supposed to check the box that applied to you and stick the sticker on your CENSUS when you sent it in.

I believe in being counted. I felt that, if we were counted the government would understand that we are here and we are being ignored and in some cases, discriminated against by their policies and laws.

So, I went to the website and filled out the form to get my pink sticker. After filling in my information, I noticed that I was taken to an organization called "Credo". This is sort of normal for the net so I thought nothing of it.

Here we are in May and I have not received my sticker. OK, maybe it got lost in the mail, who knows. It's been known to happen!

But what didn't get lost in the mail?

The Lie:

An advertisement for Credo mobile (a service that sells sprint).

Their gimmick was to play at my belief system, telling me that AT&T donates money to Right Wing politicians.

Support right-wing politicians? AT&T has you covered. Donations by AT&T of $20,000 or more to right-wing politicians:

OK, this isn't a lie exactly. It is true that AT&T gave over $20,000 to republican politicians. The problem is that AT&T like almost every other major donating corporation, plays both sides of the isle. I have looked for the figures on this but can not exactly find the direct amount of money however, 38 percent of all of AT&T donations went to democratic politicians.


I can't even muster up the words to describe what I am feeling about these people right now. Here is an organization that is supposed to be about selling phones, but here they are getting into politics, trying to play at my sexual orientation in order to get me to buy their stuff.

I do support companies that support the gay community in general, as many of us do, but this tactic of half truths does us harm, especially when the facts are so scewed. Pointing a finger at another corporation in order to attempt to steal their business. Credo Mobile sounds like a politician to me!

OK, I have effectively vented!

Until next time, I'm OUT!

1 comment:

  1. I also signed up for Queer the Census and received the AT&T ad from CREDO. I agree, the half-truths are shitty, but they aren't wrong about at&t favoring the right. Since 1996 over 50% of the company's money has gone to the republican party, with the highest percent during the dark ages (Dubya administration). Of the top 10 recipients of money on 2010, 7/10 are repubs. The #1 reciever, (d)Harry Reid, has made remarks about Obama's race/color and is actively against same sex marriage and abortion access.

    All this information was gathered from if you would like to check it out yourself. Also, the QtC folks ran out of stickers, and made a big apology on their site for it. I have one I can send to you if you haven't sent in you census yet (which I think you're supposed to have) or you can print and glue the pdf from their page.
